Wednesday, 5th March 2025
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Why study in WMC


WESTERN MEGA COLLEGE, will attempt to make higher education accessible for minorities, underprivileged, poor students from every corner of the country. The scholarship will be provided in various categories in each program. But, to get scholarship the students must submit the original/ authentic document of certification.


1 Entrance Topper 50% Discount in Tution Fee of First Semester
2 Merit Scholarship Scoring Grade  B+ Discount Rs 10000
Scoring Grade A  Discount Rs 15000
Scoring Grade A+  Discount Rs 20000
3 Other Government Reliefs with Verification Documents Rs. 20000-100000


The size and the area of the classroom, other than the physical pleasantries accessible in it, additionally have extensive effect on the learning mentality of the understudies. A perfect, open, sufficiently ventilated, and all around lit classroom furnished with all the present day varying media showing helps will dependably affect the understudies, making them more responsive, happy and eager. Classrooms at Western Mega College are open and very much outfitted.


Each endeavor has been made to form the College’s library into a scholarly and social asset focus intended to meet the different data needs of its understudies, educators and office faculty. The Library Programs are developed to help understudies to work in the rising Information Society. As a passage to data, the WMC library is an archive of collected learning and an entrance point to current assets. To address the understudy’s issues, the library is open six days  from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, and brags of a wide gathering of content/reference books, research  works, diaries, maps, daily papers, manuals, original copies, photos, and other perusing materials. Aside from having instructive, CDs/DVDs, Slides and Laser Disks, the library additionally has open to tuning in and seeing regions outfitted with all the important electronic devices. It additionally houses an E-Library Section having a few interactive media PCs with web associations for perusing and access of profitable data. To strengthen the WMC library, Lincoln University E-Library gives understudies the 24 hour way to deal with a huge number of e-books, inquire about works; diaries and an intuitive gathering for trading understudies’ learning knowledge with each other.


To create and improve the understudy’s abilities in processing, now considered a noteworthy prerequisite for all understudies, paying little heed to their orders, WMC is outfitted with a present day Computer Laboratory comprising of refreshed Computer Hardware stacked with all vital programming and with boundless web office by means of link and WiFi. Every one of the understudies, regardless of their interests and selection of subjects are incited to use the effective vehicle of Information Technology, viz., the Internet to get to significant data and lift their insight.


Well-furnished and secured hostel accommodations are available for both girls and boys.


Located at Butwal-15, Rupandehi, the College is easily accessible through public transport from every corner of the Nawalprasi, Rupandehi, & Kapilvastu. Nevertheless the college provides its own Transportation service for those students who opt for such.

Recreational Activities

Recreational activities as an integral part of the College’s extracurricular activities greatly enhance the development of an individual’s potentialities and inclinations, which at a later stage can be exploited by oneself for his own advantage. Recreational activities offer opportunities for the students to learn new skills, explore their potentialities, and expand their talents through creative planning and programming. WMC undertakes all efforts to provide the environment and offer facilities, necessary for the implementation of such activities.

Common extracurricular activities like eloquent competitions, debates, literary symposiums, excursions, treks, community service campaigns, social welfare campaigns, cultural shows, exhibitions, fairs, etc., are organized on a regular basis, to develop in the students, efficient leadership qualities, harmonious interpersonal relationships, firm team spirit, modesty and above all an attitude of give & take.

Food & Catering Services

Beside snacks and refreshments, sound, new, and sterile veggie lover/non-vegetarian lunch, rich and nutritious in content, satisfying the feeling of taste of the understudies drawn from different gatherings and social establishment are served at WMC Cafeteria. Strict cleanliness is continually kept up inside the eating hall and furthermore in the kitchen, and no exchange off on the idea of the foodstuffs, cooking fixings, and cleaning materials is made.

 Teaching Methodologies

  • Internship
  • Student Exchange program
  • Mentoring Program
  • Out Door Catering
  • International Edge
  • Student Leadership Development Program
  • E-Environment
  • Student Media and Service Organization
  • Soft Skill Program
  • Placement Cell
  • Active Help Desk

Internship and Industrial Training

Internship and Industrial Training are mandatory for BHM students for the partial fulfillment of their academic course. WMC supports and manages the internship and Industrial Training for its students. For the students of Hotel and Hospitality Management, college manages the paid internship in five stars hotels in Nepal, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, UAE and so on. During their studies, College manages frequent field trips for its students of all programs inside or outside district to ensure them the practical aspects of what they are learning.


WMC incites its students to take part according to their interests, needs and abilities, in the college’s physical  fitness programs intended to foster basic human qualities like self assurance,team spirit and co-operation. To supplement and to enrich the first priority of college life: academic accomplishment, WMC sponsors a well-rounded program of inter-college and inter-mural athletics/sports for boys and girls. Besides having a spacious playground with a basketball court, other facilities such as table tennis, volleyball and other indoor games are also available for the recreation of students.